Engage Small is a reminder that engagement doesn’t cost a thing and small businesses / sole-proprietors / freelancers / creatives should be lifted up every chance we get. Much like “shop small” this is a support system for small businesses. There are many small businesses that don’t fit into the typical criteria and we want to shine a light on traditional and non-traditional small businesses, and how we can support and engage with them before and after the purchase.
Each day for five days, we will launch a new sector of businesses along with a supporting video. Please let us know what we missed and where we can improve. We have a lot of ideas once we’ve launched the initial week of videos. Connect with us and help us engage small!
Check out our new blog post here and let us know if you want to get involved!
Check out all the videos here!
Food is the simplest sector. This group includes restaurants, bars, food trucks, breweries, coffee shops, tea shops, juice bars, live event and local concert venues.

- Yelp review
- Google page review
- Facebook review
- Email a testimonial or a positive experience directly
- Open Table review
- BBB review
- Video testimonial
- Tag or Post about them on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
- Interact with their channels: Comment on their post, Share their post
We’re doing a lot of restaurant takeout right now. When everyone gets their dishes out, take a video and make it like a gameshow. Involve the kids. Each dish gets a taste test. This game would work best with dishes that can be shared (like Chinese food). Everyone gets to rate the dishes on whatever criteria you’d like – flavor, spice, look, etc. Do an instagram story or post it to Facebook.
For a brewery, pick your favorite and grab a few different brews. (Probably don’t involve the kids for this one). Taste each one and rate it. Even better, do a blind taste test so no one is biases. OR, pick a few breweries and get an IPA or other kind from each. Again, blind taste test and rate your favorites. Hop on a video call with some friends and do it together. Take a screenshot of your video call and post it online with the winner.
Who knows when live music and events will come back in full swing. We know you didn’t keep your phone in your pocket at your last concert. Post the images and videos. Tag the artist and the venues (especially those tiny ones that have the best acoustics).
When you post the images and videos, be sure to tag the business, and add #engagesmall while you’re at it so we can take a look!
Main Street is pretty much a catch all for physical businesses. This group includes all your favorite mom and pop shops that sell good and services at a store.

- Yelp review
- Google page review
- Facebook review
- Email a testimonial or a positive experience directly
- BBB review
- Video testimonial
- App Store review
- Tag or Post about them on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook
- Interact with their channels: Comment on their post, Share their post
Tag the business and also tag the individuals who provided you the service. If you aren’t connected with them, at least add their name. That way when someone uses your recommendation, they’ll be able to specifically ask for that person which lifts up the business and that exceptional individual!
Record a video in the store showing why you love to go there. Or maybe a video from your workout. Tag the location and again, add the instructor or person who helped you just as an added bonus.
If you’re giving someone flowers, record a video of them receiving it or snap a photo a week later and tag the business letting them know that the high quality bouquet is still thriving!
Post a before and after photo of your hair when you head to the salon. It would be pretty drastic if you’re fresh out of quarantine. You can do the same thing with your dog’s groomer. Or why not do a before and after photo with your car when you head to the car wash. These are all positive ways to engage and show the true excellence of these businesses and talents.
When you post the images and videos, be sure to tag the business, and add #engagesmall while you’re at it so we can take a look!
Service is a pretty large grouping of single service providers like a lawyer or a dentist. This also covers all your home improvement and trades. Generally these people could be sole proprietors and some might have a physical location.

- Yelp review
- Google page review
- Facebook review
- LinkedIn endorsement or recommendation
- Email a testimonial or a positive experience directly
- Angie’s List review
- BBB review
- Upwork or freelance website feedback
- Video testimonial
- Tag or Post about them on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn
- Interact with their channels: Comment on their post, Share their post
Tag the business and also tag the individuals who provided you the service. Many of these service businesses are sole-proprietors so tag the person’s direct channel along with their business name.
Post a before and after photo of your home when getting a remodel, fence, tree removal, new mulch or floors refinished. Post the photos and tag the business. That’s a promotion, a review and a testimonial all wrapped in one. Who doesn’t love a before and after?
Record or write a testimonial of the process. Sometimes people don’t know how a sole-proprietor works. Walk through the ease or friendliness. Talk about what a new client should be expecting when they contact the lawyer, dentist, or CPA. You can also get specific about the type of quality in service provided. Did you accountant make filing your taxes painless? Let them know!
When you post the images and videos, be sure to tag the business, and add #engagesmall while you’re at it so we can take a look!
Creative is the other side of Service. These people usually provide a single service or need but in a creative space, often these have to do with marketing. This includes all designers, production and any fine arts.

- Google page review
- Facebook review
- LinkedIn endorsement or recommendation
- Email a testimonial or a positive experience directly
- Upwork or freelance website feedback
- Video testimonial
- Tag or Post about them on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn
- Interact with their channels: Comment on their post, Share their post
These businesses live on referral and recommendations. Spread the good word and tag away. If you’re in private business groups, link to their websites and promote the people that do such great work.
Our friends over at Made By Things created this great idea to help you support small businesses. Just fill it out and they will create a short video for you to post on your social media channels. And it’s totally free!! (This was originally posted in 2020 and may no longer be available.)
This is often times art and media so post the work. Even if it’s for your business, support the individuals on your personal channels. People love seeing great design and video.
Does someone in your family or a friend own one of these businesses? They need you! Promote and lift them up to your networks or at your company.
Many times we work for other employers and contract a person to work with. If you’ve connected with other creatives for your job, even though it’s not your business, let the world know how awesome they are!
When you post the images and videos, be sure to tag the business, and add #engagesmall while you’re at it so we can take a look!
Non-Profit is non-profit. We’re encouraging lifting up those smaller ones that don’t have the means to do it themselves right now. But anyone that helps is deserving of a boost in our eyes!

- Yelp review
- Google page review
- Facebook review
- LinkedIn endorsement or recommendation
- Email a testimonial or a positive experience directly
- BBB Review
- Video testimonial
- Tag or Post about them on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn
- Interact with their channels: Comment on their post, Share their post
If you aren’t able to give money, give your time. We all seem to have a lot of that lately. Maybe there is something you can do from a distance. But we can safely pitch in and help out. Reach out to your favorite non-profits and just ask how you can be of service.
If your favorite non-profits are out there doing there best in these hard times. Show support however you can. Maybe show up at a food drive and snap some photos just to post online and lift them up.
When they have events for donations, share the event everywhere. Get the word out as much as possible!
When you post the images and videos, be sure to tag the business, and add #engagesmall while you’re at it so we can take a look!
Brandan is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago and has worked for Method Studios, Akron Children’s Hospital and Outcome Health creating content for marketing, education, TV commercials, music videos and short films. In 2017, he created 26Made (formerly Parallel Vision Post), an independent post-production studio in Avon, OH. In 2018, he launched the Cleveland chapter of the Freelancer’s Union SPARK program which he currently Co-Leads. In 2020, he launched Engage Small to encourage engagement for small businesses and freelancers. You can see way too many pictures of his kids on instagram.
In the little free time that any parent has, he loves to write (a never-ending fiction book) and watch Cleveland sports.
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