Guest Posting Guidelines

Thanks for your interest in blogging for Engage Small! We love collaborating with others to help our readers learn and grow their small businesses.

What should I know?

  • Write for our audience: Small business owners and freelancers OR consumers of them.
  • Write a post with relevant and practical takeaways. The article must be original and have not been published elsewhere. Check our blog for other posts on the same topic and make sure that your post tells readers something new, or offers them a new take on something similar. We enjoy new viewpoints.
  • Give credit. Check your facts and quotations. Cite the original sources.
  • Create an engaging introduction specific to your article. We like to use this as promotion so it should draw them in.
  • Give examples. Make concrete pitches that support your post.
  • Write enough to get your point across and give action items. We don’t require a specific word count but find our guest posts are best received when they exceed 500 – 1,000 words. The most successful posts typically fall between 1,000 – 2,000 words.
  • Disclose any relationship/partnership you have with links or sources in article. We do want to promote your partnerships but we need to be transparent and make sure they align with ours.
  • Avoid self-promotion in the article. You should be positioning yourself as a leader with your post. You’ll have a bio with plenty of space to self-promote.
  • Avoid affiliate links of any kind. Our site, being reader supported, may add affiliate links if they align with the topic. But we do also have partnerships we want to be mindful of.
  • Engage Small will own the content, always credited to you. Guest writer allows Engage Small to own the content written, in the sense that we can share and repost it, always with attribution to you and your organization.

How do I submit a post?

Please complete this form to let us know more about you; you’ll attach your completed draft to the form as a Word doc or Google doc format. If you prefer to run an idea by us first, you can do so by filling out the general contact form.

What happens next?

We will review all submissions and get back to you as soon as possible. You will hear from us either way. We appreciate the interest!