Engage small with our
I am a Freelancer — but am I a Small Business Owner?
Another question those of us at Engage Small hear often is, “I know that I am a freelancer — but am I also a small business owner?” It’s usually then followed with, “I’m just managing myself and I do all the work!” Well, we’re here to tell you: If you’re a freelancer, you own a small business.
What Is A Small Business?
What exactly is considered a small business? It’s a question that is asked quite frequently. Some define a small business based on the amount of money it makes. Some define it based on the number of employees that company has. Luckily, we have some guidance on a formal definition, thanks to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).
App Spotlight: Webull
As we build out our finance series, we will also be highlighting the apps that we believe help support healthy finance. Today we are featuring Webull, an investing app.
Read more to find out more about their platform and see their current promotion where they give you two stocks for free!
How to Include Your Kids in Supporting Small Business
The #EngageSmall movement is one for all ages, so don’t forget to include the younger generations! It is easy to forget about the kiddos when deciding on where to shop and why to shop there, so 26Made collected our favorite ways on how to include your kids in supporting small businesses. Check them out here!
Tips on How to Shoot a Video with Your Phone (To Promote Your Favorite Business)
Say you are ready to tell the world just how much you adore the small business you frequent most. Perhaps you are a small business that knows it is time to step up your company’s marketing efforts. Check out some easy tips to do it better!
How to Leave a Negative Review
It’s happened to all of us. You go to one of your favorite small businesses and you walk out unimpressed, disappointed, and, sometimes, upset. You want to share your feedback, but what’s the best way to leave a negative review? Before you log into your Yelp account to...
Highlights on Each Day of “Engagement Week”
We asked you to Engage Small and the team at 26Made is so happy that so many joined us in celebrating local small businesses, no matter where they are located. In case you missed it, we chose five segments – Food, Main Street, Service, Creative and Non-Profits – to...
Our First Annual Week of Engagement
Engage Small is a reminder that engagement doesn’t cost a thing and small businesses / sole-proprietors / freelancers / creatives should be lifted up every chance we get. Much like “shop small” this is a support system for small businesses. There are many small businesses that don’t fit into the typical criteria and we want to shine a light on traditional and non-traditional small businesses, and how we can support and engage with them before and after the purchase.
Launching Engage Small
Each November, we are collectively encouraged to “shop small” the Saturday after Thanksgiving. But especially in these current times, those of us at 26Made feel the act of supporting small businesses is more important than ever. With that said, we’re excited to...